Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Excitement and Management

As Jessica would tell you, if she was the one writing this post and wanting to post about the things I'll get to, I don't get excited about anything. Ever. Well, very rarely. But there are two things I'm very excited about right this second:

First, I think I want to quit guitar. I'm much more interested in bass at this point. But not interested to make a huge commitment. I think I'd like to sell/goodwill/throw away all but one of my guitars. The orange one that's been with me through thick and thin. And maybe my first guitar, which isn't really a guitar, but a guitar-shaped sticker magnet. Doing that would probably help me finance my second piece of excitement:

A folding bicycle.

I mean, I like efficiency and function over cute and pretty. Any day of the week. I'd take a Honda Fit over a Dodge Viper. Seriously. Who needs a car that wants to kill you?

I like compact modes of transportation. And this was the selling point to Jessica:
I know her so well.

In a change of topic, I alerted Jessica that my blog posts significantly outnumber hers. In a very husbandly act, I (almost) informed her that since I held more than 51% of the blog posts, I had the right to rename the blog to something more manly. Here were a few of my ideas:
  • DEMPSEY!!!!1!!!
  • Dempsey Den of Death and Destruction
  • I heart Dempseys
  • Daniel is the best, Jessica is also!
  • What the heck is decoupage?!
  • Victim of a kamikaze bat
Obviously, none of those were approved by the board (consisting of Jessica and myself, and requiring a 2/3 majority). So the name is the same.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Quote of the day

"If that driver habitually steps into the street without looking he will eventually deselect himself from the gene pool."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Apartment Dwellers No More

We (I mean Jessica) turned in the keys to the apartment last night. It was an historic event.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up

I hit a bat. Or I should say, a bat dive-bombed my windshield while my car was traveling forward at about 50mph. Of course, it was dusk, so I have no idea what happened to our flying furry protagonist.

Or it could have been a bat-a-rang I suppose. In which case, I'll watch out for Christian Bale. Or Adam West. Take your pick.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So, remember in Apollo 13 when they're taking off and one of the rocket engines dies, and Tom Hanks says something like "looks like we've had our glitch for this mission" or something like that? (Or maybe it was Kevin Bacon or that other guy whose name escapes me. Also, proper use of 'whose'? And also also, I know my punctuation usage doesn't make sense).

Anyways, I had that moment yesterday. I came home from work to find one of our (excellent) neighbors standing on his porch. He let me know that the water company zombies had come by to shut off our water (and eat our brains, but we weren't home, haha!) and he fought them off with chainsaws -- one in each hand. Actually, he told them that someone was living there and not to shut off the water. Which is apparently like sunlight to water company zombies, because they scurried back to their water company zombie truck and drove away.

Now, I (and also Jessica, because we did that Vulcan mind-meld thing and we know each others' thoughts, except for when I manage to make her angry) was under the impression that this was all taken care of by our settlement attorney. That they had let the water company know that 'hey, there are new people living in that house, here's their info, bill them, and stop sending your zombies out'.

Apparently not.

After some investigative work by Jessica (consisting of calling the water company and asking 'What the crap?!' -- at least, that's what I imagine the conversation sounding like), we found out that, in fact, that the attorneys were afraid of water company zombies, and never called them. Exciting.

So, we still have water. I hope that was our glitch for this mission.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

new diggs

so this past saturday we moved into our new place.  first time homebuyers, yes.  we had, including ourselves and our family members, 37 people show up to help haul our stuff.  i felt  very overwhelmed with gratitude for most of the 2 hours it took from start till completion.  is it possible for a move to  because i think i could describe it as such.  we have amazing friends.

to paint walls the colors you want and to let your imagination run wild with possibilities is a new experience for me.  i like it.  this is MUCH better than living in an apartment owned by someone else.  it will be much more work, but it will be worth it!  pictures to come very soon...

Friday, September 11, 2009

welcome to our blog.  [dey-koo-pahzh] noun.  the art or technique of decorating something with cut-outs of paper, linoleum, plastic, or other flat material over which varnish or lacquer is applied.